GCSA Studios

We make our own luck.

Carter On October - 11 - 2008

Yo GCSArmy, what’s up? Flanders and I went to HHN last weekend as you know, and it was basically the greatest thing ever. Seriously, it was most epic thing I’ve seen in quite some time. As you know, I always love to check out new lighting techniques and other special effects and let me just say, I was amazed. The entire park was filled with fog, visibility was between 5 – 30 ft. and there wasn’t a single white light in the park. Everything had been reduced to red lighting or seldom areas of blue lighting. It took us a while to figure out, but basically:
blue = happy.
red = bad things waiting to attack.

Our favorite area was definitely “Asylum in Wonderland”. Those of you that follow our production process closely will remember that we were working on an Alice project some time ago. Even though this area wasn’t exactly like we imagined, it was certainly the closest we will ever get to living our vision. And yes, Alice did hate me… and yell at me… and then we got kicked out… :'(

Basically it was just an amazing night that I don’t even know how to put it into words… Fortunately, Flanders is far more articulate than I am. His review is below.

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By Sharp and Flame,

Category: News

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