What is GCSA?
GCSA is a multi-media project started by Carter Lewellyn and Garrett Brolund. The GCSA concept has been around for years, but only recently has it realized it’s full potential.
Who is GCSA?
Mainly GCSA is comprised of: Carter Lewellyn, Garrett Brolund, Alex Flanders, Cody Carpenter, and Alex Miller. Carter Lewellyn is the GCSA Project Lead. Due to his music career, Garrett Brolund has drifted away from the project. While still holding the highest of respect, his day-to-day duties as Executive Producer have been assumed by Alex Flanders. Cody Carpenter and Alex Miller contribute in far too many ways to list them all here.
What does G.C.S.A. abbreviate?
That is forever a secret, only the project’s grizzled ancients know the answer. However, full disclosure is coming soon.
So what do you do?
GCSA is a true multi-media experience. Right now we have artists, producers, composers, writers, and programmers working in virtually all fields including: books, comics, movies, video clips, music, web design, video games, graphic design, electrical engineering, and more.
Why haven’t I heard of it?
Admittedly, we have been keeping most of our productions private. But that does not mean we are unknown. Most of our fans and supporters hail from the South-Eastern United States; however, we also have known supporters in Finland, England, Venezuela, Canada, and then some.
What are you trying to prove?
Nothing. All those involved in the GCSA project are in it because we enjoy what we do. None of us make any profit from any of our contributions. At this time, we have no intention of ever profiting from anything that we produce under the banner of GCSA*. This project is a means for us to sharpen our skills, and hopefully, inspire a few of those who see our work. GCSA is art for art’s sake.
*While some GCSA items do cost money (books, shirts, etc.), the prices are never more than a few dollars over our cost with all proceeds going straight to studio expenses.
What was your most recent release?
Some of our former projects have included:
- Season 1 of GCSA2k5, our attempt at made-for-tv programming. It was a docu-drama of the cast’s lives, somewhat similar to the contemporary MTV series Viva La Bam. Despite very few public copies, it received rave reviews.
- The GCSA Podcasts, which received huge acceptance from the website’s regulars, and positive feedback from new visitors.
- GCSA: The Game – a platforming PC game, similar to Nintendo’s Super Mario World. This was never made public, but the cast logged over 80 enjoyable hours on this game. The main attraction was game characters modeled after the cast members. This creation, along with many others, was lost during The Great Purge that our studio suffered in 2006.
So what’s next?
We have no solid plans, we could go in a completely different direction at any time.
Tell me more about the studio’s power structure.
- Founder and Studio Lead, Carter Lewellyn continues to maintain and adapt our web presence, maintain and improve workflow standards, and come up with innovations in all related fields.
- Lead Composer, Garrett Brolund is focusing on his personal music career at this time.
- Executive Producer, Alex Flanders’ first novel was recently published, titled The Path to Destiny (available here). Amidst book signings, he still finds time to be GCSA’s Executive Producer and Project Lead of our Nasty Hack mini-series.
- Lead Game Analyst, Cody Carpenter works in close association with Carter Lewellyn to test and develop new forms of interactive media.
- Junior Officer, Alex Miller assists the crew in all projects. While having no area of expertise, Miller is an invaluable asset to GCSA.
How do I join you guys?
GCSA is always willing to accept new, exceptional crew members. At this time, there is no formal method to apply. Continue to excel in your field, and we will find you.