GCSA Studios

We have the technology.

Carter On January - 22 - 2011

Yay! A special edition Nasty Hack! Can you believe it!?

This week’s comic is a joint effort between Flanders and I. It’s an attempt to combine our talents for your enjoyment. If you take a dash of Flanders’ drawings skills (4 drawings to be exact) and a huge tub of my coding/animation abilities (13 layers, 504 frames, and over 70 assets) you get this week’s comic. It is a perfect recreation of what actually happened to us during a game of capture the flag on Halo: Reach. Flanders had successful made it this close to the enemy base without being detected. Being a good teammate, like I always am, I tried to help Flanders out by offering him a ride. Hilarity (and anger) ensued.

By Sharp and Flame,

If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it's missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe.

Graphics – Alex Flanders
Animation – Carter Lewellyn
Click here for larger version.

Category: Nasty Hack

6 Responses

  1. Alice says:

    ROLL ON ****ING FLOOR LAUGHING!!!!! this comic just made my day!!!

    • Carter says:

      This comment just made my day! We really did work hard on it, and took a bit of gamble as to whether people would like this purposely haggard aesthetic. I’m glad it paid off. 🙂

  2. Flanders says:

    Glad you enjoyed it. ^_^

  3. Carter's mom says:

    I’d give it a strong “B”.

  4. Cody says:

    I’m surprised that Miller hasn’t commented about how it actually wasn’t his fault this time.

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