GCSA Studios

We make our own luck.

Flanders On February - 4 - 2011

And here it is! The first comic in a series! Hooray! I will say this, click on the image to bring up the full version that way you can see more details of it, because there’s a lot of small stuff you probably can’t read or see. So read and enjoy! It’s going to be a bumpy ride, some pages might be funnier than others, and some might just suck, let me know what you think!

Because I Can-
Alex Flanders

Category: Nasty Hack

6 Responses

  1. Carter says:

    Love it!!!

  2. Jamie says:

    i’m just gonna go ahead and say that miller is immortal because as many times as you kill him he is still here.

    • Jamie says:

      Dang it..my computer cut me off! But anyways I believe he is immortal not because he is a vampire or anything, but just survives to torment you. Somebody has to 😛

  3. Alice says:

    ok i love this. and i would so TAP THAT! XD

  4. flanders says:

    Lol, yeah I made that just for you! Did you see the Peter Pan cookie jar in last weeks comic?

  5. Alicia Roth says:

    Lol!! Love the details on this.

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