GCSA Studios

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Flanders On January - 27 - 2009

Yeah, I’m still alive and I’m even slightly sober! As you may know my Flash program is all but dead so I’m forced to do things slightly different. I’m currently working on a comic which still has no name. Basically the premise of the comic is a war between the preps and the goths staring the GCSA cast and some of their contributors. Hopefully I’ll have a few of the pages up later so that you can check them out.

In other news I have finally joined the 21st century! I bought a wireless router so I can play on XBL as well as be online. So if anyone wants to play on XBL just hit me up. If you don’t know my XBL handle then…well…I hate you. Speaking of hating people…I’m apparently a Nazi. Go figure. All I can say is that I am proud of my German heritage. Heil Hitler!

Now on to some movie reviews. So far I’ve seen more movies in the past 3 weeks than I normally see in an entire year. Here are the movies I’ve seen: Bolt, the Unborn, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, and Paul Blart Mall Cop.

Bolt was better than I thought it would be. I got to see it in 3-D which really wasn’t that spectacular but it was still cool. The movie was cute, but I was disappointed that there really wasn’t any sad parts in it. There was about 2 seconds of sadness then everything went all sugar coated happy again. I still wish that Disney would make movies like they use to and quit doing Pixar stuff. Nothing beats characters randomly bursting out into song in the middle of a fight. 8.5 out of 10

The Unborn. Here’s my advice. Don’t go see this movie! It’s way too predictable. How predictable is it you ask? I started to count down to every scary point and scare the girl who was with me. It was rather hilarious. Even so the movie sucks. Seriously, the kids name was Jumby. I mean c’mon! What kind of parent names their kid Jumby? Anyway, the only scary part of the movie didn’t even occur while I was watching the movie. I’d gone to the restroom during one of the many dull points and while I was there I looked behind me to see a kid standing behind me. That freaked me out more than the actual movie.
5 out of 10

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. I was honestly pleased with this movie. Though I must admit that nearly all the main characters should’ve died during some point of the movie. Even so it was still good. The only thing I hated was the fight scenes which were really erratic which made them hard to follow. Still, if you’re a fan of the Underworld series you’ll love it.
8.5 out of 10

On a side note, I made a girl cry during the movie. A lycan had just thrown a vampire out into the sunlight and it burst into flame. The girl sitting next to me was like “What? I thought vampires sparkled!” Of course she was referencing Twilight, which doesn’t actually have real vampires in it. ANYway, when I heard that I flipped. I yelled “Wait!…What!?” in the middle of a major fight scene. I then proceed to stand up and yell to everyone in the movie theater. “This girl honestly believes that vampires ‘sparkle’ in the sunlight! Everyone else who believes that vampires ‘sparkle’ please raise your hand!” Of course everyone erupts at this point and the girl is nearly in tears as she says “You mean vampires don’t sparkle?” I just shook my head and facepalm’d “Ma’am…get out. Just get out.” To which she left. So yay me!

Paul Blart Mall Cop. I died laughing so much during this movie. Half of which was caused by me making fun of Brittany, but the other half was from the actual movie. The reason I laughed so much is because I act a lot like Blart. Even so the movie was still great. Go see it if you want a really good laugh.
9 out of 10

Well, that’s all for now. I’m going to go see Inkheart and Friday the 13th when they come out so I’ll have those reviews later. So for now I’ll catch ya later.

Because I Can,

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