GCSA Studios

for the children.

Flanders On February - 9 - 2009

Seeing as how Carter hasn’t updated in a while I figured I’d do his job for him and write a new update. Before that, however, I have something to share with you.

Now, I’m not going to tell you who said this, I’m simply going to tell you what was said.

“You’re an insane, psychopathic, jerk! The sheer force of your insanity actually warps reality! The earth changes just to accommodate your insane view of the world!”

And my reply to this is…”Why yes, yes I am and yes it does. Thank you for noticing.”

But now onto more serious matters. We at the GCSA are taking a small break to work on bigger and better things. What does that mean for you? Well for one it means that you’ll be getting slightly less content each week then we normally do. But what it also means is that we’re working on something spectacular! Hopefully we’ll get something concrete done so that you, are faithful GCSArmy, can share in the fruits of our labor. Until then keep an eye on the horizon for the GCSA flag still flies high!

Because I Can-

P.S. Wouldn’t an actual GCSA flag be awesome? Send Carter some feedback so that he’ll make us one!

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