GCSA Studios

We make our own luck.

Flanders On February - 27 - 2009

Well, another month has passed and it appears that the great beast which is GCSA is silently sleeping this year away. At least, it appears that way. Like all great beasts, the instant that GCSA comes to life all will know its name and tremble before its awesomeness…ish. Personally, I’m really looking forward to what Carter has in store for you guys. He’s really been working hard on a few things and when the time is right I’m sure you’ll enjoy what he’s been making for you.

As I said in one of my earlier posts, I am doing a new comic series. Once I get enough of the work done and inked, which is going to take a while since I have to re-draw the comics in pen, I’ll begin to post them for you guys. Something I hope to get done is a few flash games with the GCSA cast in them. Most of them will involve hurting Miller in some way so I’m sure they’ll be an instant success. Who wouldn’t like Whack-A-Miller or Stab-A-Miller. And who can forget the classic Miller Can’t Skate? Now imagine it in game format! Also, we’re going to try something which involves you actually putting Miller back together! Huzzah!

Well, hopefully you guys will stay with us long enough for me to get the programs to actually do that. If you have any suggestions for games, or any ideas on how we can improve the site, please let us know. We love user input. After all- everything we do, we do for you guys! Well… you guys and our own sick and twisted pleasure, but that’s beside the point. So for now watch and wait until the great beast which is GCSA awakens and reveals its true form.

Because I Can-
Alex Flanders

Category: News

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