GCSA Studios

for the children.

Flanders On March - 19 - 2009

Yes, it’s true, I am so very very very very very tired right now. You see, for those of you who don’t know I am a creature of the night. I wake up around 2…ish…and then go to sleep when the sun comes up. That is my habit, that is who I am. Normally this works very well until something…or someone interferes with that sleep. In this case it’s a Mexican. A Mexican known as Miller. Well, Miller and the Stab-A-Miller game, which I guess sort of coincides.

I guess you could say that this was his rebuttal for our wonderfully crafted game that we made, but alas I believe he simply did it out of spite for the sheer genius of our project.

Now, speaking of our project I have some great news! It took a combined effort from several masterminds of GCSA and over 12 hours of coding but we finally fixed the highscore table! That’s right! Now you can Stab-A-Miller and have bragging rights about it! Huzzah! I nearly wore out my Code Monkey whip trying to get the poor code monkey’s to work. They kept complaining about compensation and when they were going to get paid. I’m not sure what all that meant but I just gave them a shiny pebble and that seemed to satisfy them. But that too is also why I’m exhausted. At GCSA health concerns and death are just work hazards when it comes to producing the very best quality games for you guys.

Well, now that that’s out of the way how are you guys enjoying the Stab-A-Miller? I know that we’ve had record breaking views of the game as well as quite a few downloads. We’re always working to better the game and hopefully will have some new content available for it at a later date.

Now onto the new content. GCSA as a whole is shifting its gears to focus on games for you, the consumer. We have quite a few ideas which I’ll be story boarding once I get the chance and one thing that I personally want us to work on is a fighting game. Will we be able to do it? Who knows. We certainly don’t, but we’re going to give it a try. Wouldn’t that be fun though? Not only could you stab Miller, but then you could beat him up as well. It’s like High School all over again! The GCSA cast would be the characters of the game and I would personally oversee the flash intros and moves so that they’ll meet your ever growing expectations from our studio.

That’s all for now true believers, so take care and enjoy stabbing Miller. Everyone knows that I do.

Because I Can,
Alex Flanders

Category: News

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