GCSA Studios

for the children.

Flanders On May - 5 - 2009

It’s Cinco de Mayo and a new update to Stab-A-Miller went live. Coincidence? I think not!

Ah, sweet irony. Anyway, I wanted to drop by and tell you guys of the amazing discovery I had the other day. While going to Sadie’s Flea Market I found one of the few surviving copies of E.T. Extra Terrestrial on the Atari. For those of you who don’t know, the E.T. game was almost responsible for destroying the gaming industry as a whole. Yes, it was that awful. It was so awful in fact that over a million copies of the game were buried in the desert in Arizona; and yet I still managed to find one. Yes, I be awesome.

Now on other news, Miller turned 21 and he’s going out to drink tonight on Cinco de Mayo. Coincidence? I think not! So yes, while he’s getting drunk on Tequilla and whatever alcohol they serve I just want us as a community to band together in attempt to get the border patrol on him while he’s inebriated. Wouldn’t that be hilairous? So, let’s see what we can do about that.
In other news, I went to go see X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Seriously, did they have to put X-Men in the title? I mean, could there possibly be any other Wolverine? I sure would hope so, but apparently there isn’t. The movie was decent, but I still want Wolverine to die. Please, please, please someone kill Wolverine! And Sonic… can’t forget about Sonic.

Well, that’s all for now. Until next time true believers!

Because I Can,
Alex Flanders

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