GCSA Studios

We moonwalked the panda.

Carter On December - 21 - 2009

Carter here. As you are all aware from Flanders’ previous post, I will be returning home very shortly. I am going to miss Orlando like crazy, anyone who knows me knows how much I love this city, but my tour is over and there’s nothing that can be done about that… for now.

In other news, I’ve been talking to Flanders and the artist formerly known as Dreamseller about firing up the studio once again. They’re onboard with the idea and our hope is to have a new game developed and wide awake by the end of January. This game will be Flash based, like our previous works, for a few reasons. We’re most skilled in Flash production, and Flash has incredible cross-platform support. Remember being able to play “Stab-A-Miller” on the Wii?

My ETA for Dothan is 4 January 2010. I hope to see you all soon, and check back for progress on the new game.
For now though, I have things to finish here in Orlando. See you soon GCSArmy.

By Sharp and Flame,

Category: News

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