GCSA Studios

Look alive, Sunshine.

Carter On March - 10 - 2010

Great news everyone! You’ll recall from an early post that Flanders and I were collaborating on a new game. It would be simple, and rushed out the door. Well… we realized that’s a bad idea. You see, even Stab-A-Miller took a couple months to perfect. So we decided to cancel that quick, simple game and do something a little different. I wish I could tell you that you will playing a new GCSA title soon, but I can’t. Why you ask? Because you will soon be playing TWO new GCSA titles! The project code names are -NOM!- and Dimensional. These code names are VERY descriptive of the gameplay.

-NOM!- will star Cody “Da Legend” Carpenter believe it or not, and Dimensional will definitely include Flanders and myself. I’m sure you have a lot of questions, so let’s begin.

Dimensional sounds like a bigger, more complex game. Is that true?
-NOM!- will give everyone a good laugh and a few minutes of fun. It’s a similar experience to SaM, yet entirely different. Dimensional will amaze you all. A player could spend hours inside Dimensional without getting bored. There will be secrets and h4x.

So wait? Miller, BNG, etc. won’t be in this? Just Flanders and Carter?
Flanders and Carter are the guaranteed playable characters, but as many characters as possible will be included… though they may need to be unlocked through achievements or enable through h4x.

I can has release date?
-NOM!- and Dimensional will drop within one month of each other. Expect the first before May.

I can has beta?
All alpha, beta, and pre-launch builds are tightly controlled according to GCSA protocols. A trailer may be posted though.

Well, I need to get back to coding. If you have any more questions, leave them in the comments and we’ll gladly answer them.

By Sharp and Flame,

Category: News

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