GCSA Studios

We make our own luck.

Carter On March - 25 - 2010

If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it's missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe.

Well, I’ll tell it to ya straight. The system is down. Not our website obviously. Our website is on a grid of multiple servers with power redundancy and uplink redundancy. Not even Shishka himself can cause our server to fail.

The system I am talking about would be GCSA’s main production rig. It has always had mild overheating issues, but these issues reached their peak a few days ago. The processor core temperature was near 250 degrees fahrenheit. The protective thermal shutdown did not occur. Instead, the computer allowed itself to bake.

These high temperatures caused some of the solder points on the motherboard to melt loose. Now the computer can’t even turn on. Fortunately, the HDD appears to be intact; so our production files are all safe… just unreachable at this time.

Our upcoming game, Dimesional, will be produced. It is a dream project that Flanders and I have had for a very long time, and it will come to pass. This is just a slight delay until we can repair or replace our needed equipment.

For those wondering, it was indeed Miller’s fault. He smushed a brownie into the main cooling fan. Feel free to belittle him at: miller@mygcsa.com

By Sharp and Flame,

Category: News

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