GCSA Studios

We moonwalked the panda.

Flanders On October - 6 - 2010

Okay guys, I have some exciting news! I am officially back in action on Nasty Hack! Nasty Hack season 2 starts now! I will be introducing brand new characters and new plot points are you excited? I am! That being said, I need help from you, our loyal fan (and no that is not a typo. I do mean fan. Singular….) To vote on how you would like to see Nasty Hack. Would you rather it be short and funny things which generally involve Miller dying in gruesome way, or would you prefer it if I actually create a story ark and weave through the general reason for Miller’s gruesome demise?

Let me know what you think in the comments below! And now…I welcome you to Nasty Hack season 2!

Because I Can- Flanders

P.S. If you’re having a hard time reading the text simply click the image for the full size!

Category: Nasty Hack

5 Responses

  1. Alice says:

    ROFL! i’ve been waiting for new nasty hack. took you long enough to do something with it. personally i think the short ones are bittersweet. and…i secretly love watching my cousin die in so many ways. xoxox

  2. Taylor says:

    Oh dear… this comic should be very interesting.. hey you’re not aloud to draw me if I’m killing someone!

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