GCSA Studios

We moonwalked the panda.

Carter On March - 11 - 2011

In the beginning, Man said, “Let there be light.” And he was blessed by light, heat, magnetism, gravity, and all the energies of the universe.

Believe it or not, this is the 100th post on http://mygcsa.com. It’s hard to believe that this whole thing has actually lasted and made it to such a milestone. You would think such a post would be easy to write, but looking back… I honestly am short on words. How does one write about something that has changed so much? If this were to be a painting, it’d be outsourced to Picasso.

The purpose of this post is to answer any lingering questions of the past, and to clearly define us moving forward.

GCSA was started, years ago, as a form of expression… some may call that art. You see, today, it is so easy for anyone to make their own comic, make their own videos, make their own games. But that hasn’t always been the case. The world was quite a bit different back in 2005/2006 when this whole thing got started. The things we were doing at the time, making podcast and making videos, were still relatively hard to do. You had to know what you were doing. We always know what we’re doing.

The opening quote of this post is, I think, very representative of how we’ve been able to create everything that we have thus far, out of nothing and with help from nobody. Independence and the understanding that, “If we don’t figure this out, nobody is going to figure it out for us.” have always been driving forces of GCSA… regardless of what the “this” may be on that particular day.

Today, the world is all about user-created content. Even a good portion of the news is made up of viewer comments. That’s uncalled for. I would never say or even fantasize that GCSA is what changed the traditional media-creation model, but I would definitely say that we were a good bit ahead of that change.

Lately, Flanders and I have been talking. We still feel like we’re doing a good job, of course, and our technology is still cutting edge (note: I said “technology”, not “our skills”). But ultimately, we do have to confess- things haven’t nearly worked out like we wanted them to. I remember back when Garrett and I envisioned being interviewed, being invited to important media things… heh, those were the days. All we wanted was fame to the point of imprisonment.

Today, we all sit staring at the traffic logs and realize one thing. Only our real-world friends and family visit this site or experience our content. Our dreams of fame failed. But that’s okay. We laugh knowing better projects are coming.

Anyway, here you go…
What does GCSA stand for??? Please tell me!!!
Guild for Creativity, Science, and Art

We’ve realized we’re only doing this for ourselves, and have decided to embrace that. If you’re reading this, you’re a part of our guild. Thank you for your clicks, your views, and your time.

We will still have some classified projects, pages, and secrets… But at least you now have a definition to the acronym. Isn’t that all you really wanted to know?

If not, feel free to start digging. Maybe the background image or the login page have some clues to future projects.

I can’t believe we almost hung it up. We’re just getting started.

Here’s to another hundred.

By Sharp and Flame,

Category: News

4 Responses

  1. Cody says:

    I can’t believe the acronym of GCSA changed, but I can see why.

  2. Alice says:


  3. Carter's mom says:

    Finally. I like it. Covers all the bases.

  4. Krissy says:

    HEY. POST MOAR STUFF. Am I still the first and only GSCA girl..technically? IDK if you remember that. Anyways. HIYO!

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