GCSA Studios

We moonwalked the panda.

Archive for December, 2011

Posted by Flanders 3 COMMENTS

Merry Early Christmas! While I must admit, I am not in the Christmas mood, I do believe I have come to a revelation. You see, many of you might have noticed that I haven’t had a lot of new Nasty Hack’s out mainly due to the fact that I had no ideas! Now that it’s […]

Categories: Nasty Hack
Posted by Flanders 1 COMMENT


Categories: Nasty Hack
Posted by Flanders 1 COMMENT

New one. Just detailing some of the stresses of having to deal with idiots and how quickly a continuous stream of said idiots can turn and nice wholesome day into one where you are contemplating investing in a shotgun…   Because I Can- Alex Flanders    

Categories: Nasty Hack
Posted by Flanders 1 COMMENT

No promises, but this might be something special for Christmas… Because I Can- Alex Flanders    

Categories: Nasty Hack
Posted by Flanders 6 COMMENTS

So, Carter and I were talking about a spin off of Nasty Hack called Dirty Bit, which for all you pervs out there is actually a technical computer term. So, Britt took it upon herself to do a comic this Friday! Give her lots of praise cause it’s her first one! Any who, that got […]

Categories: Nasty Hack
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