GCSA Studios

We moonwalked the panda.

Archive for December, 2008

Posted by Flanders Comments Off on Bah-Hum-Bug!

I wish it was Halloween…at least that’s a fun holiday. Once upon a time I use to love Christmas, but now I just wish it’d hurry up and get over with. I mean really, it makes no sense! People spend hours worrying about what to get people, then they spend hours in line to get […]

Categories: News
Posted by Garrett Comments Off on I have returned! … and for real this time!

Yes GCSArmy, ParT Boi has finally come back into the fold. After a few months of being away at college with little or no connection to any of the rest of the GCSA cast, I just want to say it’s great to be back! So much has happened in the past few months. Be on […]

Categories: News
Posted by Carter Comments Off on Demographics FTW

After getting a new comment on our hit Miller Can’t Skate, I decided to take a look at who hates us least who our main audience is. Here’s a chart for your viewing pleasure.  Having the audience be 66% female is epic win… but the fact that most viewers are over 35… that’s a tad […]

Categories: News
Posted by Flanders Comments Off on Another Day of Dreaming the Dream

Hey guys, as some of you may or may not know my old lappy got sorta destroyed which means I lost my programs for doing my flash movies. So while I won’t be doing a Nasty Hack Christmas Special, I do still plan on working on the comic for it. So here’s hoping my pen […]

Categories: News
Posted by Cody Comments Off on Viva Mexico

Yo, what’s up GCSArmy? Carter and I just got back from having dinner at one of our favorite eateries, La Bamba. It started out well enough, but the staff failed to put extra cheese on my food… like i ordered!!!! Then after our waiter gave us our bill, he thought we dropped off of the […]

Categories: News
Posted by Carter Comments Off on I can fix things!

So Cody broke one of his numerous PlayStation2® controllers. Why is that news, and why am I posting about it? Cause he put me in charge of fixing it! 🙂 It went pretty well, I had never restored a PS2 controller before, but it wasn’t all that hard. Here’s a pic of the dismantled controller, […]

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